Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.492: 475: Quietly Accomplishing Great Things!

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.492: 475: Quietly Accomplishing Great Things!

рlease reading οn Β?XΝOVEL.?ΟM

Ivan Ivanov was filled with righteous indignation!

He really felt wronged! A 1.88-meter-tall muscular man, so wronged he wanted to cry.

“That bear is not big at all! It’s not even as tall as me when it stands up; my neighbor’s bear is bigger than this one!”

How could he, a strong man capable of taking down a tiger, be so powerless?

This must be Cloud Dream’s fault!

But how could domestic and wild bears be the same?

Such feedback would obviously not be responded to immediately.

“Let’s go! Chase! If we don’t kill this bear today, I’ll go wash my neighbor’s bear’s ass when I log off!”

Ivan Ivanov gritted his teeth, leading his brothers to chase the black bear. As they passed by the novice rifle on the ground—Ranger.243—he silently picked it up and put it on his back.

Until his physique was boosted in Yunmeng, he would have to make do with this broken gun.

It’s better than having nothing, right?

On the other hand, the winner of the [New World Travel Ticket] was finally planning to use this item.

When the ownership of this item was announced on Monday, netizens were excited and thought they could get some “large-scale battle” game information.

Since “My World” is still a secret, and “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness” has been in open testing for one week, everyone thought that this [New World Travel Ticket] was a preview ticket for a war game.

The player who got this travel ticket—[I’m Really Called Wu Di]—received the ticket on Monday, but he didn’t use it right away.

He just announced Cloud Dream’s requirement: everything about the New World must be kept strictly confidential until Cloud Dream actively discloses it.

The players, seeing that there was no good show to watch, quickly dispersed—It was still the second player referendum period, and there were so many lively events that they didn’t have time to care about this.

As for Wu Di, he was too busy organizing the [First Virtual Full Armor Fighting Championship] to find the time.

This was not an event organized by Cloud Dream Official, but rather spontaneously organized by players.

Do you remember those players, the blacksmiths from the metropolis?

Their craftsmanship progressed rapidly, and they were not satisfied with just creating simple weapons, so they naturally ventured into another field—armor!

As more and more armor appeared, and virtual world players could mess around without fear of death, they naturally wanted to put on armor and wield weapons to compete.

[Full Armor Fighting] naturally emerged as a result.

This sport has a not-so-small audience base in reality, and people in the circle have more or less connections, even the strongest and weakest players can be easily connected through one or two acquaintances.

So everyone discussed and agreed to organize a competition.

At first, it was just a simple circle of enthusiasts playing. Wu Di joined as soon as he heard about it, as he was an armor fighting enthusiast in reality.

But soon, a bunch of netizens who loved watching the excitement also happily joined in, and the original small circle activity became busier and busier.

Soon, the idea of “holding a competition” emerged.

The initial rule was: “Each participant must pay a 5-dollar registration fee, which will be pooled as a reward for the winning player and team.”

As long as all the registration fees were put into the pool without anyone profiting, there would be no violation of the law.

However, this meant that the organizers of the competition had to work voluntarily.

Luckily, in the world of full armor fighting, there were always enthusiastic fans like Wu Di.

As to why the organizers could also participate, the reason was simple—everyone would enter the field at the same time, those who died were eliminated, and those who survived were victorious. Simple, straightforward, without the need for referees and no room for cheating.

However, as the number of registered players increased, the schedule and venue were changed repeatedly, taking up much of Wu Di’s time.

But it’s a blessing in disguise, as he won the [New World Travel Ticket].

Because this reward was not entirely a random lottery.

The [Chosen One] activity, after all, was an additional event offering “full venue discounts” in Metropolis and Night City, so players’ online time in Metropolis and Night City was a very important factor.

As a result, Shuihua was excluded from the lottery during the first round of screening.

Meanwhile, Wu Di entered the lottery list due to his extensive online time and was eventually lucky enough to win the grand prize.

However, even now, Wu Di couldn’t figure it out: finding cold weapons wasn’t too difficult, at worst they were just lower quality, but
 did so many people have armor?

Armor is complicated! Even virtual world blacksmiths find it difficult to forge.

Where did these people get their armor?

Did they make it themselves?

When the competition starts, they won’t just put a gasoline drum on their body and join the competition, will they?

Wouldn’t that be suicide?

Wu Di was deeply worried.

The bigger problem was that, due to the large number of players signing up, several sports brand merchants suddenly approached yesterday, offering to sponsor the competition.

Of course, this was good for the competition, but everyone had to discuss it together to make a decision, so Wu Di’s workload increased again

It wasn’t until now that Wu Di finally decided to use the [New World Travel Ticket] to have a mindless burst of fire on the battlefield as a way to take a break and refresh his mind.

[New World Travel Ticket] Use!

‘You are about to go to the New World, which is still under construction and does not represent the final quality.’

‘You can stay in the New World for a total of seven days. Time cannot be paused once started. Are you sure you want to use it?’


It’s just a quick look to relieve some pressure. If it’s expired, so be it.

Light spread like flowing water and quickly faded.

Street vendors’ shouts, children’s laughter, distant drum sounds, horse hooves, wind, and conversations all flooded Lincoln’s ears at the same time.

The scene that caught his eye was beyond his expectations!

Where are the promised battlefields? The planes? The cannons? The submachine guns?!

He stomped on the green brick underfoot and took another look around the bustling street, with people dressed in ancient styles—even himself.

On both sides of the street, shops lined up and merchants gathered: taverns, bookshops, blacksmiths, pen shops, pawnshops, silk fabrics, jewelry, spices, groceries
steamed bun vendors with carts, medicinal ointment sellers carrying shoulder poles, even those leasing donkeys and carts

Immersed in it, he couldn’t help but feel the crowded, bustling scene!

So many things appeared at the same time, leaving Lincoln’s eyes uncertain where to look, only feeling that everything was unexpected.

Shock, confusion, novelty, surprise, and
strong anticipation surged in his heart.

This just couldn’t be the world of a “war game”!

Let alone the bustling prosperity, even the time period couldn’t be right!


“Where the hell am I?”

Lincoln, suppressing the urge to shout out in excitement, grabbed a passerby and asked with a lowered voice, “Where is this place?”

?” The passerby looked puzzled, but still answered, “East Market.”

“East Market?” Lincoln didn’t react.

“Yes, East Market.” The passerby saw that Lincoln wasn’t causing trouble and genuinely didn’t understand, so they pointed out, “Over there is Health Square, over there Xuanyang Square, over there Daozheng Square, and over there Happiness Square.”

“Finally, on both sides of us, there’s Ambition Square and Peace Square. Aren’t we in the middle of the East Market?”

After the passerby finished speaking, they left without waiting for Lincoln’s response.

Lincoln stood there dazed.

The place names were all quite unfamiliar to him, but “East Market” and “Happiness Square” sounded just too familiar!

The armor he wore for the Full Armor Fighting Championship was the famous “Bright Light Armor,” which was one of the most famous among the “Tang Thirteen Armor.”

Lincoln stopped another passerby, his voice quivering with excitement, “Brother, is this
Chang’an City?”

The passerby looked at him as if he was an idiot, “Isn’t that obvious?! Apart from Chang’an City, where else in the world can you find such a scene?”

Lincoln stood silent for a moment, unable to contain his joy, and shouted at the sky—


“Silent and sneaky, but so big! Chang’an, dammit, Chang’an! A whole city? Awesome!”

Lincoln walked forward briskly, expressing his excitement incoherently while continuously observing the surroundings.

“Right, right, this is a game, so what about my skills? My panel? What can I do?”

The more he looked, the more excited he became, but he didn’t know what he could do.

He wanted to start live-streaming immediately but couldn’t—if he dared, it would count as a deliberate breach of contract.

The Yunmeng confidentiality agreement’s penalty for malicious breaches was at least one million, and accidental leaks would result in 500,000. freēwēbηovel.cà«Šm

Additionally, Lincoln might just add a blacklist and a permanent ban without hesitation, making the deterrent terrifying.

So, although Lincoln’s emotions were turbulent and full of the feverish desire to share, he was limited by the confidentiality agreement and had to digest it all on his own.

He was going to burst!

He could only walk faster, trying to see what he could do.

Passing by a sesame bun stall, Lincoln patted his body and found a money pouch. After searching through it, he found only copper coins.

“Stingy,” he spat, tossing a copper coin to the vendor and taking a bite of his bun, which tasted surprisingly good.

Just that it felt like he had eaten it somewhere before

“What should I do?”

“Why don’t I
go to the brothel and see what’s going on?”

As soon as Lincoln made up his mind, he asked the vendor, “Brother, how do I get to the best brothel in Chang’an City?”

The vendor raised his head, looked at Lincoln’s clothes, and couldn’t help but advise, “You? Don’t think about the brothel, just find a prostitute. Your clothes won’t even get you through the door of a brothel!”

“Why do you care so much about me? Just tell me where it is! Whether I can get in or not is my business!”

The vendor didn’t like his words, so he focused on his bun stall and ignored Lincoln.

“Hey, what I’m buying! I don’t believe this!” Lincoln slapped the half-eaten bun in front of the vendor, “Refund!”

With a few bites taken and teeth marks visible, the vendor nearly choked to death, “You’ve already eaten so much!”

This content is taken from fĐłeeđ‘€ebÉłoveÉ­.cĂžm.

“I don’t care! I want a refund! You can’t say I’m being unreasonable; just give me half a copper coin back!”

With Lincoln’s size, the vendor was intimidated and dared not to voice his anger.

“Sir! I was wrong, okay? Just go that way, it’s right on the Health Square, all brothels. Go wreak havoc on them!”

“You should’ve said so earlier!” Lincoln took back his half-eaten bun, took another bite, and walked towards Health Square.

