Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.475: 458: The Outline of the New Game!

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.475: 458: The Outline of the New Game!

ā€œThis is never going to end, is it?!ā€

ā€œAre you cleaning out your inventory?ā€

ā€œIf you donā€™t want to send them, then donā€™t!ā€

The streamers mock as per usual with surging intensity.

But the number of lottery participants remains unaffected. With a blink of an eye, the joining count already exceeded a million.

ā€œHeh-heh.ā€ Mavis smirked triumphantly.

Following this trend, as long as the frequency is controlled properly, all blades could be given away before the end of the stream!

Of course, Mavis didnā€™t forget her main purpose. Her eyes widened slightly as the fragmented numerical lights quickly flashed past her pupils.

A long-anticipated crossing machine excitedly zipped up to the sky!

In just a single second, it went from a standstill to 100km/h, and it was still accelerating.

This machine was remodeled by Lincoln just for this live stream. The goal was to catch up with the airplane and provide an outstanding third-person perspective shot.

ā€”Of course, the plane they were flying wasnā€™t going all out in the acceleration either, so it eased the pressure on the crossing machine. After all, this wasnā€™t a race.

At the same time, the live streaming screen split into two parts, the left side was the first-person view from the plane, while the right side was the side shot from the crossing machine.

In the first-person view, Lincoln, with his full-face mask and headphones on, shut out the rumbling noise from the outside, skillfully operating the airplane.

The wings, joystick, and rudder responded to him like his own limbs!

ā€”Granted, in reality, he had only flown a few times last night, but he had practiced over and over again in the virtual world with Mavis.

He was flying and turning effortlessly.

He was even controlling a machine gun, joyously spraying rubber bullets in the sky.

In the meantime, Mavis managed to draw five rounds of prizes. Each time, hundreds of people won, and the prizes were boxes and boxes of different types of blades.

The audience laughed and cursed while drawing the prizes.

At the same time, they were watching the ultra-high-definition high-speed flying shot with nearly nonstop exclamations of excitement.

However, Lincoln soon felt unsatisfiedā€”

ā€œEveryone, open your eyes wide! Next, letā€™s show them some high-level skills!ā€

ā€œWait a minuteā€¦ā€ Nelson immediately sensed something suspicious but just as he was about to speak out to stop him, Lincoln had already started his performance!

At full throttle, he jerked the joystick strongly and the plane rapidly climbed until the nose flipped over 180 degrees. He let go of the joystick and adjusted it back to horizontal flying shortly after.

Lincoln had practiced this set of movements many times in the virtual world and was very confident in it!

But what he didnā€™t expect was that there was suddenly something wrong with the plane!

From the view of the crossing machine, the previously level-flying plane in front suddenly stood straight up, climbing while rapidly leaning back.

The audience hadnā€™t even had the chance to cheer for this fancy move when they saw the plane suddenly perform a strange movement in the air before swiftly spiraling and plunging headfirst!

The next moment, all the devices in Lincolnā€™s hand were unresponsive.

ā€”Test-pilot Nelson had taken over control, rapidly gaining control of the plane, taking only three seconds to stabilize it and resume level flight, fully displaying his superior flying skills!

But Lincoln didnā€™t care about this anymore.

ā€”He vomited.

Last night, he was closely watched by Henry and the test pilot and had finally, with great difficulty, gotten his turn to take control of the plane. Of course, he had flown steadily and cautiously, taking turns with extra care, so of course, there were no issues.

But this time, the sudden large-scale acceleration, change of directions, and flipping all came at the same time. His skills were fine, but his body couldnā€™t adapt!

ā€”In the virtual world, where there wasnā€™t even fatigue, the negative sensation of dizziness and vomiting was not included at all. Hence ā€”

From his stomach to his esophagus, a sudden surge of vomiting sensation hit him. His limbs lost strength that moment, and he lost control of the plane.

Soon there were even more violent, disorganized movements, and the vomiting sensation suddenly escalated!

As a result, Lincoln started vomiting violently!

Before he threw up, the last thing he could do was to tear off his tightly sealed maskā€¦

So in the first-person view, the audience could even clearly see his spewing vomit.

ā€œDamn! Thatā€™s disgusting!ā€

ā€œI believe you now! You did indeed have a hearty afternoon meal!ā€

ā€œā€˜High-end Skillsā€™ā€

ā€œā€˜Spraying Warriorā€™ā€

ā€œIs the anchor really that desperate for popularity? Does he need to invest so much!ā€

ā€œThatā€™s disgusting! Reported! Whereā€™s the super administrator? Ban this guy quickly!ā€

Inside the live stream room, the live-streamer community was indeed startled when they saw the plane lose control.

But before they could panic, the test pilot quickly took over and defused the crisis.

So they quickly started making a ruckus and took turns hitting Lincoln while he was down.

But Lincoln couldnā€™t spare any attention for that and was still violently retching in the cockpit, wanting desperately to vomit his stomach out.

ā€œVomitā€”vomitā€”vomit!!ā€ freewebnĆø

Nelson, with a touch of sympathy, decreased the speed and maintained a steady flight. He asked, ā€œShould we land first?ā€


Updatš’†d frš’m freewebnĻƒvel.cĆøm.

ā€œMavis, cut my cameraā€¦ā€


Mavisā€™ actions were very swift, the cockpit view disappeared instantly, and only the external view from the crossing machine remained on the streaming screen.

ā€œHahahahaha! Couldnā€™t take the loss!ā€ Ɨā€™6823374ā€²

ā€œYou know youā€™ve embarrassed yourself!ā€ Ɨā€™3382517ā€²

ā€œLearn a lesson! If it werenā€™t for the test pilot, you would have been gone for today!ā€ Ɨā€™816257ā€²

Nelson safely parked the plane on the runway.

Lincoln crawled down from the plane with difficulty, and as soon as he hit the runway, he started violently retching.

After finally calming down somewhat, Lincolnā€™s first reaction was, ā€œMiscalculation! There should be a vomit bag in the cockpit!ā€

Nelson approached, exasperatingly asked, ā€œWhat were you thinking? Attempting a stunt flight without any prior experience?ā€

ā€œI thought it wouldnā€™t be that difficultā€¦ā€ Lincoln stubbornly retorted.

ā€œDid you even consider if your body could adapt to it?!ā€

Feeling embarrassed, Lincoln fell silent.

This indeed was his oversight. Having trained in martial arts for a while, he felt his physical condition was excellent and didnā€™t think much about this issue.

ā€œWhether you get dizzy or nauseated has nothing to do with your physical fitness!ā€

Nelson was also left speechless, ā€ ā€¦Pilots build their resistance to dizziness through throwing up, you know!ā€

Lincoln gradually recovered and noticed that his live broadcast room was filled with mockery. He then apologized and left to change his clothes, to avoid further embarrassment.

Fortunately, the collection of sensory data was progressing well.

After the live broadcast, he would ask Nelson to help him practise some difficult maneuvers.

At that time, he would definitely prepare plenty of sick bags!

A few minutes later, the returning Lincoln found his live broadcast room still mired in mockery, so he threatened,

ā€œYou just wait, when I get back, Iā€™ll incorporate the ā€˜Vomiting mechanismā€™ into the game! Youā€™ll see how you feel then!ā€

Lincolnā€™s words immediately sparked the interest of his players, and they started posting barrage questions:

ā€œIs this an update for ā€˜Night Cityā€™? Or is this for a new game?ā€

Lincoln shook his head, ā€œWe do have an update for Night City which you can look forward to, but itā€™s not related to this airplane.ā€

ā€œSo, itā€™s a new game!ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s the theme?ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s the content?ā€

ā€œWhen can we play it?!ā€

Looking at the series of questions, Lincoln pondered for a while, then said ā€œWhy donā€™tā€¦you guess?ā€

ā€œ???ā€ x 738492

ā€œWho wants to guess!!ā€

ā€œExactly! You said last Saturday that two games were about to start their closed betas, and now itā€™s already been three days! Where are they?!ā€

ā€œYou must keep your word!ā€

ā€œHurry up!ā€

Watching the playersā€™ reactions, Lincoln instinctively scratched his chin, ā€œThe beta testing for the new game, it started last night!ā€

A bunch of question marks popped up again.

ā€œWhat? The beta testing has started? How come I didnā€™t know?ā€

ā€œWhereā€™s the notice? Whereā€™s the sign up? Did I sleep for a week?ā€

ā€œWhat game is so secretive that it needs to be tested under the radar??ā€

ā€œIā€™ve started getting excited three days ago! Iā€™ve refreshed your and Cloud Dreamā€™s Spiritual Rhinoceros homepage dozens of times every day, just to be the first to sign up! And now youā€™re telling me that the closed beta has started without me knowing? Is that fair to me?ā€

ā€œProtest! Protest!ā€

Lincoln wanted to reply ā€œProtests Invalidā€.

But seeing the fervent protests of the players, he thought about it and said, ā€œOkay then, after the live stream finishes, weā€™ll start the test for the other game tonight, is that alright?ā€

The players were instantly thrown off their rhythm by this topic.

While some were still protesting, others were already asking what the other game was, and how they could sign up.

But Lincoln did not explain any further and moved on to the agenda for the second part of his live streaming session ā€“

Changing locations to a more suitable outdoor setting to test the early version of the tanks.

He even brought a few machine guns that could only fire rubber bullets.

In the latter half of the live streaming, apart from the continuous anticipation that Lincoln would experience ā€˜tank sicknessā€™ and vomit again, things steadily came to a close.

Mavis managed to sell out the entire Cloud Dream blade inventory on the side and submitted a list of the lottery winners to the administration department.

She then initiated another cash lottery, worth more than ten times the total price of all the blades, and instantly won over the players.

As for the final 40 slots for the ā€˜Sky Player Gatheringā€™, after Lincoln provided a detailed description of the event ā€“ a giant airship flight over Xiajing City in reality ā€“ the audience in the live-streaming room was absolutely ecstatic!

In previous cash attracts, only half of the audience participated.

For the slots on this airship ride, however, no less than 2 million people participated in the lottery.

Many even claimed on-the-spot: even if they didnā€™t win, they were still going to tour Xiajing City to witness this giant airship flying overhead!

A gigantic airship capable of carrying 100 people!

How big would that be?

After airships were phased out by history, no one ever constructed such a large airship anymore.

So this was definitely going to be a once-in-a-lifetime ā€˜spectacleā€™!

Even viewing it from the ground would surely be a grand sight!

Moreover, after todayā€™s live stream, many players had a fairly reliable guess about Cloud Dreamā€™s new game-

If it was just the twin-propeller fighter from a century ago, it could still just be an air combat game.

But when you add in the tank from a hundred years ago, and then the airship from a hundred years agoā€¦

The answer was clear ā€“


And itā€™s a large-scale land-air integrated war game!

